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Derniers sujets
» France vs Finland 2024 Échiquier 25
Mephisto Modena EmptyAujourd'hui à 11:28 par Diamant

» [ICCF] LES PARTIES C960/P/152, Chess 960 preliminary 152
Mephisto Modena EmptyAujourd'hui à 8:08 par Diamant

» 13th Chess 960 World Cup prel.
Mephisto Modena EmptyHier à 23:36 par Diamant

» I CXEB International Open Tournament
Mephisto Modena EmptyHier à 23:10 par Diamant

» [ICCF] LES PARTIES C960/P/147, Chess 960 preliminary 147
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» Novag Agate
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» [ICCF] LES PARTIES C960/P/166, Chess 960 preliminary 166
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» [Leboncoin] Ventes d'Échecs Électroniques
Mephisto Modena EmptyVen 6 Sep 2024 - 19:45 par Ludwig25

» S-Open/9-pr 51, 9th Webchess Open Tournament prel 51
Mephisto Modena EmptyMer 4 Sep 2024 - 12:05 par Diamant

Septembre 2024

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 Mephisto Modena

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Messages : 5002
Points : 11810
Date d'inscription : 13/04/2013
Localisation : Devant mes... échiquiers électroniques ?! ♔♕♖♗♘♙ ..ლ(▀̿̿Ĺ̯̿̿▀̿ლ)..

Mephisto Modena Empty
MessageSujet: Mephisto Modena   Mephisto Modena EmptyJeu 26 Mar 2020 - 15:56

Mephisto Modena Mephis18
Mephisto Modena Mephis19
Mephisto Modena Mephis20

Échiquier neuf de neuf... il a encore son cellophane scratch emballage plastique ?

Mephisto Modena Mephis21
Mephisto Modena Mephis22
Mephisto Modena Mephis23
Mephisto Modena Mephis24

Mephisto Modena Chess Computer NEW NEVER USED

One rarity:

In one corner of one Electronic Store some Mephisto machines never opened. Brand new boxes never used. One ideal gift.

This machine 26 years waiting to be your partner.

MEPHISTO MODENA is a German designed, quality product simple to use, equipped with many functions and is an ideal tournament and training partner for anyone interested in chess.


The Chess Clock -- The computer automatically shows the clock in the display when it is your turn to move, or when it is analyzing. The chess clock is a so-called "four mode chess clock" i.e. it shows the following two times for itself and for the player:

Firstly: The total time used.

Secondly: The time used per move.

Rules of Chess -- MEPHISTO MODENA knows all the rules of chess, including castling, pawn promotion, en-passant, stalemate, draw by 50-move rule, draw by not enough material and draw by 3-fold repetition.

Book Mode -- In the Book mode you can make the MODENA show you moves during the opening phase of a game, or you can influence MODENA’s the openings choice.

Opening Book -- MEPHISTO MODENA's opening book differentiates between active and passive moves. Active opening moves are ones which MODENA will select when it is playing. Passive moves however, are recognized by MODENA so that it can find the answering moves if an opponent plays these, but it will avoid playing them itself as this could lead to positions which the computer's program may not be able to handle so well. Passive moves are indicated by dots between characters and numbers on the display.

Information Mode -- In this mode you can call up information about the MODENA’s move analysis. Each time you press the INFO key, different information is displayed:

INFO 1 (Main line, Move hint) -- If MODENA has already left the opening book and started analysis (or is presently thinking) then the main line (of the continuation of play) can be called into the display by pressing the INFO key once. If you call up the main line when it is your turn to move then you can use the first move shown as a move suggestion.

INFO 2 (Position Evaluation, Analysis Depth, Time per Move) -- If MODENA has already analyzed moves, or is presently thinking, then pressing the INFO key twice will cause the display to show the current position evaluation in pawn units. A minus sign before the value means the computer sees itself at a disadvantage. The value -1.50 therefore means that the computer sees itself at a disadvantage of 1.5 pawns. The ENTER key has also a special function in the INFO 2 Mode. If you press the ENTER key during the position evaluation display then the display switches to show the analysis depth i.e. d 6 - means the computer has analyzed up to a depth of 6 half-moves (or ply).

INFO 3 (Move Counter) -- If the computer has already analyzed moves, or is presently thinking, then pressing the INFO key three times will show the move counter, i.e. the number of moves already played.

Memory Mode -- This is used to key in moves and move sequences into MODENA's memory or to read move sequences from MODENA's memory.

Taking Moves or Move Sequences Back -- MODENA's built-in memory allows you to take back one or all of the moves in a game, while the game is still in session. To do this press the MEMORY key twice when it is your turn to move. The last move played is then displayed with dots between the notation. Take the move back by pressing the target square and the the starting square of the move on the sensory board. As soon as you have pressed the starting square, the display shows the move prior to the one just taken back. You can continue with this until all of the moves are read out of the computer's memory.

Aprox 2000 Elo.

120,00 € Achat immédiat

15,00 €uros de livraison

Lieu où se trouve l'échiquier électronique : Mataró province de Barcelone, en Catalogne, en Espagne

Le 26/o3/2o2o  mon achat après l'acceptation de l'offre de : 110,00 € + 15,00 €uros de livraison

==> POUR INFO SON ACHAT : >>> Ici <<<

 JcD  ► Ἀδάμας 13-4-13 ~ Mephisto Modena Perso-7 ~

Mephisto Modena Sms_1110
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Messages : 5002
Points : 11810
Date d'inscription : 13/04/2013
Localisation : Devant mes... échiquiers électroniques ?! ♔♕♖♗♘♙ ..ლ(▀̿̿Ĺ̯̿̿▀̿ლ)..

Mephisto Modena Empty
MessageSujet: Re: Mephisto Modena   Mephisto Modena EmptyJeu 26 Mar 2020 - 16:26

Il est très dur en affaire ce javielvare ...  scratch

J'ai bataillé 5 fois son achat immédiat de 120€ pour enfin obtenir ce MEPHISTO MODENA...

je vous rémunère les montants des sommes présentées ci-dessous :

85€, 95€, 100€, 105€ PUIS 110€ geek

Mephisto Modena 5_offr10
Exemple : 85€°°

(PS°) Pour la réception de cet échiquier électronique... j'espère qu'une chose que l'on ne sera pas tous mort du C-19 d'içi là ? What a Face

 JcD  ► Ἀδάμας 13-4-13 ~ Mephisto Modena Perso-7 ~

Mephisto Modena Sms_1110
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Messages : 5002
Points : 11810
Date d'inscription : 13/04/2013
Localisation : Devant mes... échiquiers électroniques ?! ♔♕♖♗♘♙ ..ლ(▀̿̿Ĺ̯̿̿▀̿ლ)..

Mephisto Modena Empty
MessageSujet: Re: Mephisto Modena   Mephisto Modena EmptyJeu 2 Avr 2020 - 18:25

Mephisto Modena AATXAJyS2S4AffWCsh-BAifbUWfsuAh9FUteLbtA-Q=s48-c-k-c0xffffffff-no-rj-mo ~ Chess Curious ~ 7 minute game vs. my new chess computer Mephisto Modena.

 JcD  ► Ἀδάμας 13-4-13 ~ Mephisto Modena Perso-7 ~

Mephisto Modena Sms_1110
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Messages : 5002
Points : 11810
Date d'inscription : 13/04/2013
Localisation : Devant mes... échiquiers électroniques ?! ♔♕♖♗♘♙ ..ლ(▀̿̿Ĺ̯̿̿▀̿ლ)..

Mephisto Modena Empty
MessageSujet: Mephisto Modena ELO 2OOO   Mephisto Modena EmptySam 11 Avr 2020 - 15:54

Mephisto Modena Saitek68
Mephisto Modena Saitek69
Mephisto Modena Saitek70
Mephisto Modena Saitek71
Mephisto Modena Saitek72
Mephisto Modena Saitek73
Mephisto Modena Saitek74
Mephisto Modena Saitek75
Mephisto Modena Saitek76

Le Mephisto Modena date de 1991 (voir logo "Champion du monde 1991" sur la boîte plus haut).
Il s'agit d'un hardware assez faible : un 6502 à 4 MHz mais avec 32Kb de mémoire pour un programme très optimisé de bon niveau (1900 ELO).
Le design de ce jeu sera plus tard réutilisé pour de très bon programmes à bas prix : les Milano, Milano Pro, Atlanta, Berlin et Berlin pro.

Source de ce texte :  Modena (Mephisto)  

==> POUR INFO SON ACHAT : >>> Ici <<<

 JcD  ► Ἀδάμας 13-4-13 ~ Mephisto Modena Perso-7 ~

Mephisto Modena Sms_1110
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Messages : 5002
Points : 11810
Date d'inscription : 13/04/2013
Localisation : Devant mes... échiquiers électroniques ?! ♔♕♖♗♘♙ ..ლ(▀̿̿Ĺ̯̿̿▀̿ლ)..

Mephisto Modena Empty
MessageSujet: Re: Mephisto Modena   Mephisto Modena EmptyLun 13 Avr 2020 - 1:18

Mephisto Modena Pub_me10
Pub : Mephisto Modena

 JcD  ► Ἀδάμας 13-4-13 ~ Mephisto Modena Perso-7 ~

Mephisto Modena Sms_1110
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Mephisto Modena Empty
MessageSujet: Re: Mephisto Modena   Mephisto Modena Empty

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Mephisto Modena
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