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» PROBLEM N°O7O5 By Baruch Harold Wood
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» PROBLEM N°O276 By Baruch Harold Wood
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» 13th Chess 960 World Cup prel.
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 Necati Korkmaz

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Messages : 5034
Points : 11874
Date d'inscription : 13/04/2013
Localisation : Devant mes... échiquiers électroniques ?! ♔♕♖♗♘♙ ..ლ(▀̿̿Ĺ̯̿̿▀̿ლ)..

Necati Korkmaz Empty
MessageSujet: Necati Korkmaz   Necati Korkmaz EmptyVen 3 Juil 2020 - 22:35

Necati Korkmaz AATXAJxXpWjOk_SvrCjQ3Bva4CqfJmmLbAStzzmzPqzD=s48-c-k-c0xffffffff-no-rj-mo Amazing World :  Guinness World Record : WORLD'S SMALLEST CHESS SET : Size 9X9 millimetres ~ Vidéo du Mercredi 1 Juillet 2o2o.

The Chess set is two times smaller than the current Guinness World Record holder.

Micro-sculptor Necati Korkmaz makes smallest chess set

ATurkish micro-sculptor has the world's smallest chess set on a board measuring 9X9 millimeters, at least two times smaller than the current Guinness World Record holder.

The artists, Necati Korkmaz told Anadolu Agency (AA) that he worked around six hours every day for the last six months to finish his tiny chess set.

It took Necati Şaşmaz six months to finish the chess set. (AA PHOTO)

"From time to time, I was very tired but it is a great pleasure to see the work of art finished," Kormaz said. "I prepared a really usable micro chess set."

The details of the chess set can only be seen under a microscope and played with special sticks.

The chess set is on a board measuring 9X9 millimeters and the pieces are between 1.5 millimeters and 3 millimeters.

Daily Sabah

 JcD  ► Ἀδάμας 13-4-13 ~ Necati Korkmaz Perso-7 ~

Necati Korkmaz Sms_1110
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Messages : 631
Points : 683
Date d'inscription : 31/01/2020
Age : 34
Localisation : EUROPA

Necati Korkmaz Empty
MessageSujet: Re: Necati Korkmaz   Necati Korkmaz EmptySam 4 Juil 2020 - 8:30

Necati Korkmaz Worlds10

Best Regards Necati Korkmaz Pgn_lo10
Lady Norton alias Zara Bapst 
(Muse de Catherine Deneuve)
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